Imagine increasing your sales dramatically. What do you do? Try shifting your sales’ attention from drawing new customers to inviting your established clientele to shop again. The most straightforward sales prospect is a prospect that’s already converted – in other words, one of your existing customers or clientele.
Think of it this way: If your business establishment is in a small town with 1,000 people and sold a frying fan to everyone there, you’ve sold 1,000 frying pans – and flooded your market. Your frying pan days are over. Should you just close up and move on?
Not necessarily. If you begin aiming your sales efforts on your existing customers or clientele, you’ll be ready to increase your frying pan sales radically. And the strategies that we will show you will surely extend sales and create customer loyalty, too. Here are a few ideas to increase your sales.
1. Create a Sales Incentive Program
Encourage your staff to upsell your products. Why do you think many businesses rely on their staff to upsell? Because they have incentive programs in place. An all-expense-paid trip, gadgets or appliances, or any other perks to boost sales. Just make sure that incentive programs are attainable.
2. Encourage Staff to Upsell
As mentioned above, let your staff upsell. It means that they will suggest related products or services from your company that they can use, making it convenient and necessary for clients to get them. How are you going to increase sales? Persuade the client of the benefits.
3. Give Your Clients the Inside Scoop
If you have promos or a sale coming up, inform your clients about it. If they’re existing clients, and you’re your work, they will surely come and bring someone with them. This would mean additional income for you as well. Give clients the inside scoop by posting on your social media platforms, emails, and even calling them directly.
4. Rank Your Customers
A distinct difference between regular customers and new ones should be in place. Regular customers love it when you value them from merely greeting them by their name when they enter your establishment to offer regulars, clients, with discounts – a few of the things you can do to show that you value them.
5. Create a Client Rewards Program
Numerous businesses have client rewards programs in place. As simple as a discount on a client’s birthday or as complex as a points system that earns them several rewards – like discounts on merchandise every time they use your service or buy your product. If done right, rewards programs can significantly help create customer loyalty and escalate sales.
6. Distribute Free Samples
Distributing free samples can increase sales in multiple ways. For example, if a customer liked the free sample you gave may decide on purchasing that item aside from the item they already have on hand. Or they could give the sample to somebody else who might like the item – then, they will become a new client. At the very least, they’d give your company a great review online – free advertising!